It’s Important To Resolve Rodent Problems Quickly


Unlike other pests, rats and mice are naturally adaptable creatures.  Other pests need specific types of food to nourish themselves and keep themselves alive; they are also unable to survive in all different types of weather long-term.  Rats and mice, on the other hand, are completely different because there is no type of inclement weather or specific food shortage that can stop them in their tracks.

Rats and mice eat whatever they want, including the foods that we ourselves eat as humans.  They will even leave their own trails of excrements, urine and saliva throughout your kitchen cabinets and pantries to let you know that they enjoyed dining there.

home inspection for pests

Mice And Rats Are Survival Experts


They are naturally intelligent creatures that are instinctively able to survive the most hostile environments under the most inclement weather conditions, so the key is to focus on prevention.


When it gets too hot in Northern Virginia, they know that they need to go find shade and when it gets too cold, they know that they need to find shelter.  That is primarily why they can be found in all different types of areas and climates around the world throughout the year.  Sadly, their top choice for shade and shelter throughout the year is more than likely going to be your house.

We Are Here To Help

Your problem with rats or mice did not just pop up in your home.  They had to come from somewhere.  Our team of professionals are great at determining where your problem most likely started.  Anyone from our team that visits your home is prepared to begin working immediately after your approval.  Give us a call to schedule your in-home inpsection.

Help Us Help You


It’s important to remember that rats and mice are fighting to survive and keep themselves nourished.  Thus, they are going to naturally be drawn more to environments that can provide them with shelter and food so you want to make sure that you do not leave out any for them.  Your garbage needs to be tightly wrapped and stored in covered containers.  Clean up any remaining food that you give your pets, because an old meal for your dog can quickly become a new meal for rats.

Eliminate Their Hiding Spots


Another exclusion step is to make sure that your house is kept clear of anything that a mouse can use as a hiding place in order to stay undetected from you and your family.  This includes such things as old trash, weeds, old wooden boards and even junk cars that you have stored in your yard.


Make sure that you keep your attic cleaned and cleared regularly; if you have any cardboard boxes in there, keep them tightly sealed and covered because mice love to sneak their way in when no one is there to catch them.  Once they are there, they can leave more than just trails of rodent waste and urine; they can even infect your stored belongings with the Hantavirus so you need to make sure that you stay on top of this consistently.