Termite Inspection

Do you know who you are letting into your client’s houses?


Not only for termite inspections, your clients rely on real estate agents like you for all kinds of homeowner expertise.  They trust you to select a reliable home inspector, an appraiser and, yes, a termite inspector.  But did you know that there is no Virginia law that specifies that a termite inspector must be licensed or insured?  Yikes!!!

Your clients count on you to provide reliable companies for termite inspections  and your recommendation lasts well beyond the first inspection.   Every time a pest control company comes back to treat your client’s home for pests, their performance reflects upon you, the agent, who recommended them.

Termite Inspections:  4 Things That Every Agent Should Know


  • More than 365,000 homes will need the fire department this year. But over two million homes will require termite treatment.  Homeowners insurance will help recover losses from fires, storms, and earthquakes, but it is impossible for you to carry insurance against termite infestation.
  •  Did you know there are no laws governing termite inspections for the sale of real estate in VA?  Find out why a Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA) certified inspector for your termite inspection is absolutely essential.
  •  The performance of your termite specialist during the termite inspection can affect your real estate referral business!   Everyone you recommend reflects upon you as a trusted real estate professional — and can make or break that client relationship as a great source of referrals.
  •  Believe it or not, liability insurance is not required to perform a termite inspection.    No need to worry…we do!

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